Using process maps to improve your business

A process map is a quick and easy tool that you can use to visually describe the flow of work in your business. It can show who and what is involved in a process by outlining each step of a work activity.

The act of documenting a process has many benefits -

Process maps typically use a common visual language. Different shapes are used to represent different steps - an activity, a decision, a document, a predefined process, the start or end of the process. The easiest shapes to start with are the flowchart symbols standardised by ISO 5807.

The most common shapes to use are -

Activity or Process An operation or activity to be done
DecisionA point where a decision must be made
Start / EndThe beginning or end of a process
ArrowThe connection between two steps and the direction of flow
Predefined ProcessAnother process defined elsewhere (such as a sub process)
DocumentTo represent data or information that can be read by people

The mapping process itself is really simple -

  1. Define a starting point

    What is the trigger that kicks things off? Is it a new customer enquiry? A support ticket? A new job? A fault?

  2. At each step ask yourself - 'what happens next?'

    If there's an activity, describe it in simple words. If there is a decision that has several outcomes, follow each path one at a time until it hits its natural conclusion.

  3. Draw an arrow from one box to the next

    Lines illustrate relationships, and arrows help show direction and flow in the process.

    Process boxes only have one arrow. Decision boxes can have multiple reflecting the different outcomes of the decision. Label each path of a decision (for example - yes or no)

  4. Keep going until you get to an output or the end of the process

There are a few tricks that make the development of a process map easier -

Advanced flowcharts

Once you're comfortable with doing basic process maps - you can start bringing in more context to your diagrams

A swimlane diagram for instance makes responsibilities clearer than a regular flowchart. It shows the major participants in a process. Swimlanes within a pool show the flows and activities for a certain role and define who is accountable for each part of a process.

Tools to use

There are some great tools available that help with the process of formally documenting a process. Visual tools like Visio or LucidChart allow you to drag and drop a chart together. LucidChart also allows you to create links, so clicking on a sub-process might take you to another diagram that defines that process.